H8teful Eight League Structure

League  Operations :
The League will draft on Sunday March 24th at 12:00 pm at the Eagles. You will need to have your username and password for the alt fantasy sports website. Write it down and bring it to the draft. Once we are done drafting you will use your username and password to sign in to alt fantasy sports so the Commish can enter your team. The Commish will provide draft sheets and if possible team depth charts. If the League is not working out for everyone it will be closed and your entry fee will be returned. Not working out means : The USFL goes belly up, the app does not work correctly, or some unforeseen problem. You will not get a refund because you are losing.

League  Divisions :
Due to the limited amount of players in the USFL, the "H8teful 8 Fantasy League" will be separated into two independent Divisions of 4 teams each called the Divided 8 East and Divided 8 West. The two Divisions will compete separately through the year for 9 games and will not compete against one another. The East and West will also draft independently. This means that players on teams in the East, may also be players on teams in the West. Since the East and West never play each other it will not be a problem.

League  Fees,  Payouts :
Each League owner will be required to pay $50 on Draft Day. Each Division generates a pot of $200. The person that finishes in 1st place receives $150 and the person in 2nd receives $50.

League Schedule :
Each team will play the other teams a total of 3 times in their own division for a total of 9 weeks.

League  Winners :
The winners will be determined by how the teams finish at the end of Week 9. There will not be a Playoff or Bowl Game. How you finish is determined by your win loss record. If the win loss record is a tie the team with the most points is declared the winner. If the Points For are tied, (almost impossible), the team with the least Points Against is declared the winner as it shows the greatest victory margin. Last Resort - Coin Toss.

League  Draft :
( Sunday March 24th 12:00 pm Eagles )
On draft day you will be placed in a division which is either "East" or "West". Your draft order will be determined by drawing from cards which will be "Ace" or "1" through "4". The Draft will be serpentine ( 1-4, 4-1, 1-4 etc...). It will also alternate between East and West. East will make the first pick then the West makes it's first pick. East makes the second pick then the West and so on. After the draft the Commish will enter the owners results and the league will go live on Monday March 25th at 5:00 pm.

Player  Rosters :
On draft day you draft 7 positions :
1 Quarterback, 1 Running Back, 2 Wide Receivers, 1 Flex (RB,WR,TE), 1 Defense, 1 Kicker.
NO Bench due to limited amount of players.

Waiver Wire Rules :
Alt Fantasy Sports has a built in waiver system that the Commish can not change and it does not follow our normal system. In order to make our system work we will use Email. All Email requests must be in by Noon on Wednesday. The Commish will process the waivers manually and the results will be available by 3:00 PM on Wednesday. You can either click the Request Waiver Claim button on the johnpublix.com site or send an Email to johnpublix@aol.com. Once the waiver wire is processed you  CAN  use Alt Fantasy Sports to request Free Agent Claims. Free Agency starts 48 hours before the first game kicks off.

Point  Scoring  System:
Points rushing TD:  6
Points receiving TD:  6
Points passing TD:  4
Points reception:  1
Points rush/receive conversion:  1-3
Points per passing conversion:  1-3
Points per 10 yards rushing:  1
Points per 10 yards receiving:  1
Points per 25 yards passing:  1
Points per intercepted pass:  0
Points per fumble lost:  0

Points per defensive TD:  6 (Hopefully)
Points per interception:  2
Points per fumble recovery:  2
Points per safety:  2
Points per sack:  1
Defense starts with:  10 points
   Defense points subtracted per
   point scored against them: ( - 0.2 )
       (or :  2 points lost per 10 pts.)

Extra Point : 1
Points per yard on FG  :  0.10
         ( 25 yard FG = 2.5 points)
         ( 47 yard FG = 4.7 points)
